Communicating during COVID: Acknowledge the moment

What’s trending?

Coronavirus content is dominating our airwaves, and it can be hard to stand out while staying on brand. We’re highlighting two companies we think did an excellent job of this.

no name launched a 20 second handwashing timer on its social channels. Are we all going to login to Twitter each time we need to wash our hands? Probably not. But, it’s a simple, relevant, and effective way for no name to demonstrate they are acknowledging the moment, and joining the conversation while staying on brand.

Found on the IKEA Israel website with the caption, “It's really not complex - just stay at home,” IKEA has done a great job of imitating the design of their instruction manuals, while being relevant and entertaining. The content is minimalist and to the point, just like the message.


At the very least, acknowledge the moment. If possible, be clever or try to spread some positivity.

It is possible to be concise, clever, and positive, when delivering coronavirus related content. Think about how you can make your content entertaining and relevant while capturing what is happening in the world right now. Even if your organization doesn’t have something vital to contribute to the coronavirus conversation, we could all use a little more entertainment and positivity at a time like this.

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