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Meet your goals
spark*advertising drives campaigns of every size, shape, and budget. This means our team helps create the right-sized strategy to do everything from soft awareness and education to advocacy and national activation. Our in-house targeting and media-buying team puts your brand, your key message, and your story, in front of the people who matter most to you.
Look your best
We love our creative team – and we know you will too! Our in-house design team creates visuals that elevate your organization, your brand, and your story to the top. Whether your campaign needs a website refresh, bespoke tradeshow pieces, or even calls for creating an entirely new brand from the ground up – spark* has you covered.

Our everyday
Much of what we do is develop strategic advocacy and awareness campaigns that complement government and public relations. We are experts at finding and defining your key niche audiences and advertising where they already are. We build, manage, and optimize campaigns that generate results to tell your story across a wide variety of digital, social, and traditional media placements.
Ongoing optimization
In all our projects, we put qualitative and quantitative metrics to work. We use real measurement data to continuously optimize your campaign over the course of our engagement to ensure you’re getting the best results possible.

Some recent advertising work:
CropLife Canada: Nature Nurtured
Grow more food, on less land, using fewer resources? Possible, with gene editing.
Nature Nurtured is a brand developed by spark* to represent a coalition of like-minded organizations seeking to educate their audience on the benefits of gene editing in agriculture. The award-winning campaign uses a variety of tactics and channels including an engaging landing page, social media channels, and paid audience targeting, to effectively surround our audience with the messaging.
Canadian Medical Association (CMA): Pre-Budget Submission
Leading up to the 2020 federal budget, spark* helped the CMA develop a campaign to accompany its budget ask. Using the tagline “It shouldn’t take a pandemic” the bilingual campaign effectively surrounded the federal political ecosystem with both in-home ads (social and display) and out-of-home transit shelters in key high-traffic areas of Ottawa, making the messaging feel inescapable.